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Job Readiness

What is Job Readiness?

Job readiness is  preparing to obtain a job. What to do during an interview, learning how to write a resume, how to behave in the workplace, how to look for a job and many other concepts.



What is an interview? An interview is a face to face conversation where the person doing the interview asks multiple questions. In this case the questions would be to see if you are qualified to handle the job you’re trying to get. When you answer the questions keep your answers concise and to the point.

Show up dressed professionally, not casually, and bring something like a book to occupy yourself while you wait. Follow up after the interview and thank the interviewer for their time in a polite and professional email.

Job Interview
Exploring the Streets

How to look for a job.

Search for jobs that fit you. For example, if you don’t like cleaning don’t apply to become a janitor. On the flip side if you like dealing with people try going for a front desk type job like a cashier, or at customer service.

Accommodate your likes and preferences to ensure that you’ll work more efficiently than you would doing something that you dislike. If you can help it choose a job that’s close to home or school so that you don’t have to travel as far or spend as much money to get to work everyday. Make it convenient and economic for you or for whoever will take you to and from work. Spending less to get to and from work will also increase your profit by lowering the cost of your necessities that might include transportation.

Be sure that it will not negatively impact your academic performance in school. Know your limits and what you can handle.

How to Behave in the Workplace.

Be professional. You can not act the way you would in your own home. Show up in uniform ready to do your daily tasks.

Be proactive in the workplace. Don’t lounge around unless its your break time.If you’re sitting around you’re not benefiting the business and could be at risk of losing your job especially if you haven’t completed your earlier tasks. Either ask someone what to do next, help out or find something to do.

Do not oppress your workmates. Oppression can either be painfully clear and peacefully subtle, so with that in mind be mindful of your actions and how they may affect others both your workmates and your customers.

Workers at Their Computers

Practice & Patience

In conclusion job readiness is a learned skill among others. It’ll either come easy or it’ll come hard but it’s best to be prepared for both outcomes so you aren’t caught off guard. Being prepared to obtain a job will increase your chances of actually getting the job and will improve your efficiency in the workplace. Besides these few tips there’s so much more to be learned and so much more that you can learn here at Local Circles.

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